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Virtual Fair : Employers

FoCo Works is Here for You:

The FoCo Works Virtual Career Fair is designed to provide you as an employer with a virtual environment to have high-quality engagements with local talent.

It is structured to quickly provide career seekers with a great deal of information about your company before you connect with them.


As part of the registration process, career seekers are asked to provide their resume. That information will be provided to you as part of your participation in the FoCo Works Virtual Career Fair.

Your Virtual Career Fair Booth:

Once registered, each employer is prepared an individual virtual booth space to showcase your company. Employers are grouped into virtual "corridors" by industry sectors.

Main Hall.jpg


Within each virtual "corridor" every employer has a booth that showcases the following elements:

  • Company Name

  • Company Logo

  • Company Representative's Headshot (Optional)

  • Company Representative's Name (Optional)

  • Company Representative's Title (Optional)

  • Downloadable VCF File

  • Link to company introductory video (This can be a simple cell phone or computer camera-produced video)

  • Link to company website

Registering with FoCo Works will also enable you to participate when the Virtual Career Fair goes live! Chat directly with career seekers in your booths during specified time segments, via Google Meet. Learn more about using Google Meet here:

Create an account to get started.

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